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Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

TPS62122 Evaluation Module

The TPS62122EVM-586 is a fully assembled and tested platform for evaluating the operation and performance of the TPS62122 converter. The TPS62122EVM-586 has an input voltage range from 2.0 V up to 15 V, and the output voltage is adjustable with an external feedback divider network in the range of 1.2 V to 5.5 V. The maximum output current of the EVM circuit is 75 mA. The TPS62122 is a high-efficiency, synchronous step-down, dc-dc converter optimized for low-power applications. The wide operating input voltage range of 2 V to 15 V supports energy harvesting and battery-powered as well 9-V or 12-V line-powered applications.

    * High input voltage range: 2.0 V up to 15 V
    * Adjustable output voltage: 1.2 V up to 5.5 V
    * Up to 75-mA output current
    * Up to 800-kHz switching frequency

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